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Seń is mine rejuvenating time. It's a realm where my subconscious takes control and leads me on a journey filled with symbolism, emotions, and sometimes even fears. Each dream is like a puzzle waiting to be deciphered, offering a glimpse into my deepest thoughts and desires. Perhaps, there is a hidden message or a lesson to be learned, and by exploring the world of dreams, I can gain a better understanding of myself.

The name Mariusz has a powerful influence on my dream.
It carries a sense of strength and determination, echoing in my mind as I navigate through the various scenarios my slumber presents. Mariusz, a name of Slavic origin, is associated with courage and resilience. It reminds me to face my fears head-on and to push beyond my limitations.

In my dream, I find myself standing on the edge of a vast forest. The trees tower above me, their branches reaching towards the sky like outstretched arms. The air is crisp, and a sense of anticipation fills me as I step into the unknown. The forest becomes a metaphor for the twists and turns of life, urging me to explore and discover what lies ahead.

As I venture deeper into the forest, I come across a river. Its waters flow effortlessly, carrying along with it the burdens and worries of everyday life. The river symbolizes the ever-changing nature of existence, reminding me to go with the flow and to embrace the uncertainty that lies ahead. It invites me to let go of control and trust in the path I am meant to take.

Further along my journey, I stumble upon a grand castle nestled among the trees. Its walls stand tall and sturdy, a symbol of security and stability. The castle represents my desire for a strong foundation in life, a place where I can feel grounded and protected. It reminds me to build a solid framework for my dreams and aspirations, to surround myself with people and experiences that support and nourish my growth.

As I make my way through the castle, I come across a mirror. I gaze into it, and my reflection stares back at me. The mirror serves as a reminder to confront my true self, to face my strengths and weaknesses without judgment or fear. It encourages me to embrace authenticity and to strive for self-improvement.

In the distance, I hear the sound of a bird chirping. Its melodies fill the air, imbuing the dream with a sense of harmony and tranquility. The bird represents freedom and the ability to soar above life's challenges. It reminds me to cultivate a sense of lightness and joy, even in the face of adversity.

Finally, my dream comes to an end, and I wake up with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. The journey through my dream has provided me with insights and guidance, reminding me to embrace change, seek security, confront my true self, and cultivate a sense of freedom and joy. The name Mariusz echoes in my mind, urging me to embody the strength and determination it represents.

In conclusion, my dream, influenced by the name Mariusz, serves as a sennik a guide to understanding my desires, fears, and aspirations. It provides me with a glimpse into my subconscious mind, allowing me to uncover hidden meanings and lessons. By delving into the world of dreams, I am able to gain a deeper understanding of myself and navigate through life with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

źródło: SOW - Stowarzyszenie onejromantów XXI wieku
Onejromanta: Isabella, Strażniczka Nocnych Koszmarów

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